…I love making art! I’m not sure I would classify every creative thing I’ve made to be art. Sometimes the stuff I creative is just for fun and doesn’t have much meaning behind it. The art I make doesn’t look like Picasso, but I hope that the process I went through to make it qualifies as art. Either way, I wanted to show off some of the other stuff I’ve made that I think art worthy of being called art (and even if they aren’t, I wanna show them off!)
There’s one professor on campus that has challenged me in my artistic ability. Sometimes the class really stresses me out, but I have truly seen improvement in my artwork as a result of his teaching. He really emphasizes the importance of paying attention to the details of the creative process rather than focusing only on the end result. This has taught me to not be as stressed about my work since the struggles I have during the process will help make a better product in the end.
One of the first projects that I was proud of was an assignment labeled ‘Synesthesia’. The goal of this assignment was to create a design based on the imagery we see in our mind while listening to an audio file. Synesthesia is the phenomenon in which people will experience their senses through another. For example, some forms of synesthesia will cause people to taste certain flavors when they hear certain words. Other people will associate certain letters of the alphabet with colors and feelings. We focused on the form of synesthesia called chromesthesia, which causes the association of colors with sounds. We attempted to emulate this by associating the sounds of a song to how we would imagine them to look like. It was interesting to see the way people interpreted the same song I chose for my assignment. Some elements were completely different, while in others I could find some similarities. The song I worked with had a mellow backtrack with tinges and twangs spaced randomly throughout the track, causing the jumps in the yellow line. This assignment has always stayed in the back of my mind since it allowed me to be completely creative!
A recent project I’ve worked on is creating a movie poster. We had to get inspiration from a personal story from one of our peers. We were paired off to work together on this project by first getting inspiration from each other. My partner told me about the time she broke her ankle while jumping on a trampoline in her backyard. Since it was summertime, she thought it was a good idea to turn on the sprinkler and have the water spray from under the trampoline. Personally, that sounds like a lot of fun! My partner said her and her brother had fun, but unfortunately it didn’t last. Since it was time to go inside for dinner, they had to turn the sprinkler off and leave. While my partner was going to step off the side of the trampoline, she slipped on the metal that was wet and slippery from the water. She ended up breaking her ankle and had to be in a cast for the next semester. Fortunately, her experience wasn’t so bad since she had people to care for her. She said that she was able to be closer to her family since they visited her and cared for her while she was recovering. I took inspiration from coming-of-age movies and combined it with the story of her slip. I came up with the title JUNE since the event happened around June and I thought a short and simple title would suit the youthful vibes I was trying to give off. Personally, I think I did a good job adding elements of the story such as raindrops and cast drawings onto the movie poster. It was definitely one of my favorite projects that I’ve worked on!
These two assignment were fun to do and taught me a lot about using inspiration to make unique creations! The process for both looked different, such as working on my own and organizing my ideas to make a plan versus collecting information from others and gathering inspiration from outside sources. I hope that I can keep using the skills I learned with these projects for future ones as well! No matter what, keep making art!
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