Category: Cool School Stuff
Blogs posts written by Evelin about various experiences.
Making Websites is Hard…
I created this blog for my WordPress class at UNK. The whole class is centered around learning how to use and navigate one of the most popular website creation sites in world. So far, it has been my favorite class that I have taken this school year. Not only am I learning valuable knowledge about…
Being a Radio DJ
UNK has almost everything that you could want to try. We have interested classes that range from glassblowing to archery. Since I am a communication major, I have to practice my speaking skills in order to communicate with others effectively. Sure, I’ve taken a public speaking class and it helped me a little, but the…
I’m not an artist, but…
…I love making art! I’m not sure I would classify every creative thing I’ve made to be art. Sometimes the stuff I creative is just for fun and doesn’t have much meaning behind it. The art I make doesn’t look like Picasso, but I hope that the process I went through to make it qualifies…
Creating Logos from Scratch
This semester I’ve created more logos than I ever have before! Since I am a multimedia major, it’s a given that would learn how to use adobe products. I would say that this semester I use adobe products almost every day! It’s an amazing skill that I’ve learned since I’ve been able to put it…